Friday, September 2, 2016

Summer Update

Once again, I've been delinquent about posting --but I haven't been that way about my painting and reading of Civil War books! The latest book that I read was actually one that I read several years ago and thoroughly enjoyed: Robert K. Krick's masterful study, Stonewall Jackson at Cedar Mountain. It remains one of my favorite books. I'm now reading about the Seven Days Battles in a book written by Brian Burton entitled, Extraordinary Circumstances.

I also finally gave into temptation and purchased the Perry Miniatures' ACW Battle in a Box. I'm sure glad that I did because it'll supply me with plastic miniatures for the next couple years, at least! The only temptation now will be their magnificent metal figures---I already have my eye on a few!

The last time I posted, I promised some pictures of the 1st North Carolina State Troops of Warren's brigade. I've read somewhere that the N.C. state government did a superb job of outfitting their troops (and were loathe to give uniforms to soldiers of other states!), so I painted this regiment predominantly grey with few butternut colors to give them a uniform appearance. I also gave some of the troops the dark blue blanket rolls that the state issued to its troops (I believe starting in 1863?). The two North Carolina regiments in Warren's brigade still carried silk flags that were issued in 1862. The flag is from GMB designs. Here's some pics of the newest addition to the division!

Better angle to see the dark blue N.C. state blanket rolls

 Finally, here are some pictures of some Confederate officers. There are both from Perry Miniatures and are mounted on round bases. In my next post, I'll have some pictures of the Federal regiments that I've been working on for the past couple months.

Colonel Edward T. Warren
Brig. Gen. Elisha F. Paxton
The two officers confering

Saturday, February 27, 2016

10th Virginia Infantry, Edward T. Warren's Brigade

Here's some pictures of the 10th Va, which I finally had the opportunity to base when I was home over the winter reading break. I have a lot more figures that are ready to base, but I was short on time and bases. Essentially, I've also finished the 1st North Carolina as well. 

Just for bit of history on the 10th, and Warren's brigade during the battle of Chancellorsville in general. This regiment was a veteran outfit whose companies were recruited from the Shenandoah valley, specifically Rockingham county. They saw extensive service during Jackson's valley campaign, on the Peninsula, 2nd Manassas, the Maryland campaign (fortunately, they were absent for the horrible bloodletting at Sharpsburg), and Fredericksburg. 
The 10th's colonel, Edward T. Warren, was temporarily elevated to command of the brigade during the spring campaign. He suffered a wound during Jackson's famous flank attack on May 2nd and turned over command of the brigade. Warren was mortally wounded the following year in the nearby battle of the Wilderness once again leading the veteran Valley men of the 10th.

Col Edward Tiffin Harrison Warren
Col. Edward T. Warren
At Chancellorsville, Warren's brigade performed admirably during the May 2nd attack (including to help break the Bushbeck Line) and suffered horrendous casualties attacking Federal lines around Chancellorsville on May 3. The brigade, which numbered about 2,600 muskets, suffered a staggering 800 casualties during the battle.

Here's some pics of the 10th. I love the state flag alongside the 2nd pattern battleflag!

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Happy New Year!

Here's some new pics of the 33rd Virginia. I really like this unit and have added a number of stands to it. I hope to have some more informative posts in the near future!

Line of battle, shoulder arms

In column (should be four abreast, but oh well)