Well, it's been a very, very long time since I posted anything. This past September I started law school, so the spring and summer were pretty hectic as I prepared to move away for school. While I've been swamped with reading cases and making legal summaries, in my (meager) free time I've been painting and reading up on Chancellorsville (as well as other CW topics). Unfortunately I haven't been able to quite finish the Stonewall brigade, but I couldn't wait any longer and began painting Warren's brigade. I hope to complete the 10th Va and 1st NC by the spring. Hopefully I can post some pictures of my latest work when I return home for the Christmas holidays.
In the meantime, I recommend that anyone interested in battle (or any other Civil War battle for that matter) check out the Civil War Trust's excellent site at:
http://www.civilwar.org/battlefields/chancellorsville.html They have excellent videos, maps, essential facts and resources, and a lot more.
Confederate batteries at Hazel Grove, by Rick Reeves |
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